How To Fix A Sore Wrist
Wrist Tendonitis
It's Not Carpal Tunnel But It's VERY Similar
Do you have wrist tendonitis symptoms anywhere from fingertip to elbow?
Does the level of pain make it difficult to get work done or complete simple tasks?
Are you experiencing swelling or inflammation and pain that makes putting pressure on your wrist or even just the day to day use of your wrist uncomfortable?
If you're nodding your head 'yes' to any of these symptoms then you may be experiencing tendonitis of the wrist and even be on your way to getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Did you know that Wrist Tendinitis is commonly misdiagnosed or confused with carpal tunnel syndrome?
That's right. Carpal Tunnel and tendonitis of the wrist share many of the same symptoms, and all of the same causative factors.
There is good news though — you CAN reverse the problem.
We can show you how to differentiate between the two injuries, and better yet, how to prevent and reverse wrist tendonitis .
But first, let's learn more about it.
What Is Wrist Tendonitis?
Tendonitis of the wrist — more commonly referred to as wrist tendinitis — occurs when one or more of the tendons that connect to and/or cross the wrist joint become inflamed. Most commonly this happens due to micro-injuries caused from general wear-and-tear
That's that everybody else on the internet (and your doctors in their offices) will tell you.
How do these tendons become inflamed or worn and torn?
The REAL cause is the Pain Causing Dynamic, which consists of multiple factors, primarily:
- Too tight muscle and connective tissue (pulling on the tendons 24/7)
- Process of Inflammation (which releases chemicals which enhance your sensitivity to pain)
- Nutritional Insufficiency (your body can't function properly without the nutrition it needs to do so)
Wrist Tendonitis is caused almost entirely by the above three factors. They make your body function poorly. And then it can't withstand the downsides of repetitive motion or repetitive strain.
Wrist Tendonitis Symptoms range from mild to disabling, depending on how long the issue has been there and the type of movement performed.
The most common symptoms of Wrist Tendonitis include:
- Forearm and/or Wrist Pain
- Decreased Range of Motion
- Sharp and/or Shooting Pain
- Chronic Ache and Feeling of Tightness
- Loss of Hand Strength
- Numbness
- Increased risk of Dequervains Tendonitis - (Meaning that problem can spread to your thumb.
If you follow the tendons with your fingers, you may even find 'hot spots'.
What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Then?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome — or CTS — is the name of a label given to a set of Carpal Tunnel Symptoms.
We often call it CTS when you experience pain in the front side of your forearm or wrist, coupled with numbness or tingling in the fingers.
Did you know , you can have Tendonitis of the Wrist and have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), or you can have Wrist Tendonitis and not have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
It all depends on the location of the tendons involved.
Read on to learn more, or you can learn how to how to reverse wrist tendonitis here.
What are these 'tendons' you keep talking about?
Tendons are composed of strong collagen tissue that attach a muscle to your bone. They are inelastic, meaning they aren't stretchy like muscles.
- Wrist tendons, specifically, join the muscles on the front and back of your forearm and attach to the bones of your wrist.
- They work together to pull your wrist up, down, side to side, in a circular motion, and to various angles. They also stabilize the wrist while the fingers work.
- As you use your wrist, the tendons slide through their grooves (aka. Tendon sheaths) over and over, and too much use leads to tiny micro rips, tears and irritation from the friction.
- The tighter muscles are, the more tension and friction they exert on the tissue that they rub against.
By the time you feel pain you have already had a Pain Causing Dynamic firmly in place for a while and your nervous system has long ago started a Process of Inflammation.
How do you know if it's Wrist Tendonitis or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Here's a simple way of telling the difference between the two.
1. If there is Tendonitis on the palm side of the wrist that involves the Carpal Tunnel and results in numbness/tingling in the fingers and pain, that's likely Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
2. If there is pain and inflammation with any of the other tendons that cross and/or attach to the wrist, then you're looking at Wrist Tendonitis .
The good news is - curing wrist tendonitis is simple.
Start fixing this problem here.
It gets tricky, when you have Wrist Tendinitis on the back side of you wrist -and- have numbness in your fingers.
If you have numbness, doctors are generally going to make the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome diagnosis.
You may notice how similar the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are to the symptoms of Wrist Tendinitis.
Do You Have Wrist Tendonitis?
It is important to understand what exactly Tendonitis is.
Tendonitis can show up pretty much anywhere in the body (anywhere there is a muscle/tendon structure, that is).
Make sure that you understand the answer to the question: What Is Tendonitis?
There is an all encompassing aspect of Tendonitis that Western Medicine fails to take into account, especially with Wrist Tendonitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
The aspect is that when there is pain, muscles get tight.
Connective tissue connects EVERYTHING in our bodies. Connective tissue in the forearms and wrist gets shrunk down and constricted when you have Tendonitis.
The constant motion that comes with repetitive strain injuries, literally causes wear and tear on tendons. But that's not all...
You also have constantly too tight muscles and constrictive connective tissue.
When you have Tendonitis anywhere between your hand and your elbow, that constricting connective tissue not only helps compress nerve leading to the hand, but the 'carpal tunnel' can be compressed from all the local shrinkage.
This is why Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is so over diagnosed.
The Carpal Tunnel may be compressed but it generally is not actually the problem.
Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery, aside from all it's other downsides, is doomed to fail if 'releasing' the tunnel doesn't release or reverse the source of all the constriction and it doesn't. It won't. It can't.
What All Tendonitis Has In Common
Tendonitis is Tendonitis. No matter where symptoms show up.
The medical community gives the impression that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Intersection Syndrome, Cubital Syndrome, Tendonitis of the Wrist, etc, are all different issues.
However, when you look into it, you will find that they all have the exact same Pain Causing Dynamic, but in different locations.
Having Wrist Tendonitis for the most part is no different than having Tendonitis anywhere else. It follows the same rules.
They each have some specific indicators and variables, but there is an underlying dynamic that that all share. Deal with the dynamic, and they all get better quickly.
If you have Tendonitis in the Wrist, it can be dealt with easily and effectively, click here to fix this painful problem.
Watch This 'Basics' video
What You Need To Know About Tendonitis Of Wrist Tendons
There are some important points to know about tendonitis of wrist tendons.
- You can have Tendonitis on wrist tendons on the palm side of the forearm, or the back-of-the-hand side of your forearm, or both.
- You can and may not have true tendonitis (injury), -and- have mild to severe inflammation which makes it FEEL like you have an injury, (which could even feel like a 'hot spot' on your actual tendon).
- You can have tiny, minor damage to the tendon -and- a huge, ongoing pain response that just continues to make things worse over time.
- Whether you have Tendonitis on wrist tendons or not, what you REALLY need to worry about is the Downward Spiral the body goes down due to the Pain Causing Dynamic
- There is much more information about this on the relevant pages of this website.
If you have tendonitis of wrist tendons, there's an entire dynamic that's much bigger than just the tendons themselves.
Don't worry - you can still reverse the injury. Click here to start fixing your wrist tendonitis.
Do You Have Wrist Tendonitis?
If you have Tendonitis in the Wrist, you're lucky.
That's right — we said you're lucky.
Well, it is a safe bet to make that you have pain and inflammation because you have been doing some sort of Repetitive Motion, resulting in a Repetitive Strain Injury; essentially Tendonitis.
If you have the RIGHT information (like you will find on this website), dealing with tendonitis of the wrist can be quick and easy as opposed to other kinds of injuries that cause serious, hard to repair injury.
For instance, as I write this, I'm almost a year into a L5-S1 ruptured disc experience. While I've found methods that help a GREAT amount, I haven't yet found a quick, cheap, easy cure.
My point is, I wish I had wrist tendonitis instead of a disc issue. I'd be pain free in a week.
I've learned how to reverse the early symptoms easily - you can read more about that here.
You can learn how to get out of wrist pain and keep yourself out of pain too. If you've done what the doctors told you to do and you're still in pain, you might think that the previous statement is impossible.
And it will continue to be impossible if you keep doing activities that don't help.
- Curious about why you have pain, why you have reduced range of motion and loss of strength, and how they all work together? Then find out more about Wrist Tendonitis Symptoms.
- Curious if Wrist Splints and Wrist Braces help Wrist Tendonitis?
- Are Corticosteroid Injections a good way to deal with your pain? (No they are not.)
Tendonitis leads to inflammation which leads to pain which leads to tight muscles which leads to inflammation which leads to pain.....
Do You Need Surgery For Tendonitis Wrist?
These symptoms can lead doctors and people like you to start looking at Wrist Tendonitis Surgery as an option, after the other options fail.
Surgery for Tendonitis of wrist tendons has been shown to help wrist tendonitis. Research and studies show it to be effective....depending on how you look at the numbers.
In my professional experience, getting surgery on the wrist tendons due to wrist tendonitis either:
- Doesn't help at all, plus you have the pain and issues from having the surgery
- Helps for a short amount of time, but then the pain comes back
Aside from the potential negative side effects and dangers of Wrist Tendonitis surgery, surgery does not deal with the Pain Causing Dynamic, the progressive pattern, that Carpal Tunnel and Wrist Tendonitis share.
The same pattern that caused the pain in the first place.
You can learn how to reduce wrist tendonitis WITHOUT harmful surgery here.
One Missing Piece
There is an all encompassing aspect of Tendonitis that Western Medicine fails to take into account, especially with Wrist Tendinitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
The aspect is that when there is pain, muscles get tight.
Connective tissue connects EVERYTHING in our bodies. Connective tissue in the forearms and wrist gets shrunk down and constricted when you have Tendonitis.
The constant motion that comes with Repetitive strain injuries, literally causes wear and tear on tendons. But that's not all!
You also have constantly too tight muscles and constrictive connective tissue.
When you have Tendinitis anywhere between your hand and your elbow, that constricting connective tissue not only helps compress nerve leading to the hand, but the 'carpal tunnel' can bet compressed from all the local shrinkage.
This is why Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is so over diagnosed.
The Carpal Tunnel may be compressed but it generally is not actually the problem.
Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery, aside from all it's other downsides, is doomed to fail if 'releasing' the tunnel doesn't release or reverse the source of all the constriction and.....
It doesn't, won't, and can't.
What You Need To Know About Tendonitis Of Wrist Tendons
There are some important points to know about tendonitis of wrist tendons.
- You can have Tendonitis on wrist tendons on the palm side of the forearm, or the back-of-the-hand side of your forearm, or both.
- You can and may not have true tendonitis (injury),-and- have mild to severe inflammation which makes it FEEL like you have an injury, (which could even feel like a 'hot spot' on your actual tendon).
- You can have tiny, minor damage to the tendon -and- a huge, ongoing pain response that just continues to make things worse over time.
- Whether you have Tendonitis on wrist tendons or not, what you REALLY need to worry about is the Downward Spiral the body goes down due to the Pain Causing Dynamic
- There is much more information about this on the relevant pages of this website.
If you have tendonitis of wrist tendons, there's an entire dynamic that's much bigger than just the tendons themselves.
Do You Have Wrist Tendonitis?
If you have Tendonitis in the Wrist, you're lucky.
It is a safe bet to make that you have pain and inflammation because you have been doing some sort of Repetitive Motion, resulting in a Repetitive Strain Injury, essentially Tendinitis.
If you have the RIGHT information like you will find on this website, dealing with tendinitis of the wrist can be quick and easy as opposed to other kinds of injuries that cause serious, hard to repair injury.
For instance, as I write this, I'm almost a year into a L5-S1 ruptured disc experience. While I've found methods that help a GREAT amount, I haven't yet found a quick, cheap, easy cure.
My point is, I wish I had wrist tendinitis instead of a disc issue. I'd be pain free in a week.
You can learn how to get out of wrist pain and keep yourself out of pain too. If you've done what the doctors told you to do and you're still in pain, you might think that the previous statement is impossible.
And it will continue to be impossible if you keep doing activities that don't help.
- Curious about why you have pain, why you have reduced range of motion and loss of strength, and how they all work together? Then find out more about Wrist Tendonitis Symptoms.
- Curious if Wrist Splints and Wrist Braces help Wrist Tendinitis?
- Are Corticosteroid Injections a good way to deal with your pain?
Tendonitis leads to inflammation which leads to pain which leads to tight muscles which leads to inflammation which leads to pain.....
How Do You Make Your Pain Go Away?
If you want to eliminate your wrist tendonitis pain, I suggest you get the 'Reversing Wrist Tendonitis' program.
Carpal Tunnel and Wrist Tendinitis share the same dynamic of tightness and inflammation. The pattern is similar except for a couple little differences.
Here's what you'll learn in this 58 page no-nonsense, BS-free guide to reversing wrist tendinitis:
- Why immobilizing your wrist isn't the answer
- Concise and direct instructions to help you get out of pain quickly
- Activities that directly target the root cause of your pain
- And so much more!
There is no magic cure or effortless fix to wrist tendinitis, but we guarantee that if you follow what 'Reversing Wrist Tendonitis' shows you to do, in a short amount of time you can either be totally pain free, or very close to it.
So what are you waiting for?
Download the 'Reversing Wrist Tendonitis' program Instantly.
If you follow what 'Reversing Wrist Tendonitis' shows you to do, in a short amount of time you can either be totally pain free, or very close to it.
Wrist Tendonitis Questions and Answers
Do you have wrist pain, forearm pain, and think or know that you have Wrist Tendonitis?
Ask any questions you have about your situation. To save time and back and forth, make it as detailed as possible. History, symptoms, age, what makes it better, what makes it worse, how long it's been like this, what started it, what you have done to try to help it so far, ets.
The following Q&A is free!
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